Orly - Fowl Play My Saviour!
I was browsing the Internet a while back looking at nail blogs, and I came across the most amazing nail polish to date! It's called Cult Nails - Unicorn Puke. I then found out that the nail polish was limited edition, and only 275 of them were released. *GUTTED*. I carried on browsing the Internet to see if I could buy it elsewhere, but sadly I had no luck. Instead I came across my saviour Orly - Fowl Play! Pictured below is Unicorn puke on the left and on the right is Orly - Fowl Play.
Luckily I found Orly - Fowl Play to buy online, and managed to purchase it from a website called beautybay.com for £4.95 including free delivery. Delivery was rather fast, and I couldn't wait to try it on! Pictured to the right is me testing Fowl play, it's pretty amazing isn't it?
It is a dark purple colour with lot's of sparkles, and big glitter flakes that change colour depending on the light. Basically, Heaven on Earth! I would definitely recommend getting your hands on this, if like me you missed out on Unicorn Puke as it is worthy alternative.
Beautybay Link:
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