Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Blogger Appreciation Award

Apologies for all the posts today, seems like they have all come at once. Anyway back to the topic *Blogger Appreciation Award*. I was so thrilled to learn that the lovely Emma over at Eyeshadow & Glitter had given me an award. It makes me really happy to know that people actually appreciate my blog, as sometimes I feel like nobody's really bothered about my posts. I haven't been blogging long, but I hope you will all stick by me as I do have some more exciting posts lined up.

Please go and pay Eyeshadow & Glitter a vist, as she has some really good posts particularly nail polish posts!

  • Thank the person that awarded you by linking them in your blog
  • Answer the following 4 questions
  • Award the Blogger Appreciation award to new followers or Fellow Bloggers
  • Let the bloggers know that you have awarded them

How long have you been blogging?
February 2012 (Newbie)

What are 1-2 reasons that you started blogging?
I just love everything to do with nail polish, and thought it would be a good idea to share my love for this through a blog.

What type of Blogs do you tend to follow/Read?
Mainly fashion/beauty/nail blogs, anything that interests me really.

What is one thing that you would like to improve on a blogger / on your blog?
I don't have the best camera at all, in comparison to others who use SLR cameras. I am going to confess; I currently use my Blackberry to take photos! So I definitely need to move up in the world and get a better camera.

I would also like to post more nail art. I have so many designs I want to share with you, but time just prevents me from doing so. I aim to make more time for this!

The people I award are..

Lydia at Lydia Jane Hann & Vicky at VCKYV

I love both of their blogs! I love Lydia's outfit posts they are a really good basis for inspiration, and I just generally love her style. Let me also tell you that you look fine in photos, and your camera quality is also fine :) Vicky was one of my first followers and I also love her blog , especially her nail polish posts. Loving the inverse nail art post atm, and definitely will give it a try when I get chance!





  1. Congratulations on your award!!


  2. This is so nice of you! :) Thank you so much! x

  3. Congrats on the award, I can see why you won it! I love your pictures...when it comes to beauty-type blogs: the bigger, the better!

    following you!

    xo Courtney


  4. Congrats! Your blog is great :) I've nominated you for a versatile blogger award over on my blog :)xx

